• Lazar Lyutakov, The incantation of empty events, 2021, defective metal cover hoods for water heaters (produced by Austria Email AG), plastic cover hoods, cardboard boxes, styrofoam mannequin heads

  • Lazar Lyutakov, Untitled (Lamp Series, #33, #34, 2019), ongoing since 2006, plastic vessels, electric materials

  • Lazar Lyutakov, Kuvimba, 2021, turned ebony, Voss water glass bottles, African spring water

  • Jens Fröberg, Still life, oil on canvas, 24 ×30 cm,

  • Lazar Lyutakov, Untitled, 2021, ebony

2021/ Rough Continuity, Lazar Lyutakov and Jens Fröberg at SIMIAN Copenhagen,  Apology of the arancina by Paola Paleari, Photos by GRAYSC, Art Viewer